
A simple


Get access online in a few easy steps.

A simple


Get access online in

a few easy steps.


It is imperative to understand that no screening and verification can be requested, without the written consent of the person and/or an authorized person representing an entity, who made the information available.

The screening and verification process will only be activated provided the individual on whom the check is done has consented thereto in writing and the client confirms that he is in possession thereof.


To utilize our platform, clients will have to complete and forward a membership application form.

Said form can be requested directly from our office. After an internal assessment process, if the application is successful, will we provide a client online access to our digital platform.

The client will then use the login details provided to lodge his screening and verification requests.


It is imperative to note, that clients will prior to lodging any requests, be required to acknowledge the terms and conditions, relating to the screening and verification request lodged and the confidential nature of the information made available in the reports received from us.

Every request lodged will carry its own price tag and time frame in which the report will be made available.

A client will be billed on the 25th of each month and will be charged for the requests lodged during said month. All invoices shall be come due and payable with 7 working days of receiving the invoice. The client’s online access will be suspended should payment not take place.


It is imperative to understand that no screening and verification can be requested, without the written consent of the person and/or an authorized person representing an entity, who made the information available.

The screening and verification process will only be activated provided the individual on whom the check is done has consented thereto in writing and the client confirms that he is in possession thereof.


To utilize our platform, clients will have to complete and forward a membership application form.

Said form can be requested directly from our office. After an internal assessment process, if the application is successful, will we provide a client online access to our digital platform.

The client will then use the login details provided to lodge his screening and verification requests.


It is imperative to note, that clients will prior to lodging any requests, be required to acknowledge the terms and conditions, relating to the screening and verification request lodged and the confidential nature of the information made available in the reports received from us.

Every request lodged will carry its own price tag and time frame in which the report will be made available.

Approved 30 day account holders will be billed on the 25th of each month and will be charged for the requests lodged during said month. All invoices shall be due and payable within 7 calendar days once issued and sent. Clients who fail to make the necessary payments online access will be suspended.

Don’t trust,

just VeriMe.”

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